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“I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years.”

— Warren Buffett

The investment philosophy practiced by Warren Buffett calls for investors to take a long-term horizon when making an investment, such as a five year holding period (or even longer), and reconsider making the investment in the first place if unable to envision holding the stock for at least five years. Today, we look at how such a long-term strategy would have done for investors in Delta Air Lines Inc (NYSE: DAL) back in 2020, holding through to today.

Start date: 03/24/2020


End date: 03/21/2025
Start price/share: $26.89
End price/share: $46.77
Starting shares: 371.89
Ending shares: 378.70
Dividends reinvested/share: $0.85
Total return: 77.12%
Average annual return: 12.13%
Starting investment: $10,000.00
Ending investment: $17,714.82

As we can see, the five year investment result worked out quite well, with an annualized rate of return of 12.13%. This would have turned a $10K investment made 5 years ago into $17,714.82 today (as of 03/21/2025). On a total return basis, that’s a result of 77.12% (something to think about: how might DAL shares perform over the next 5 years?). [These numbers were computed with the Dividend Channel DRIP Returns Calculator.]

Notice that Delta Air Lines Inc paid investors a total of $0.85/share in dividends over the 5 holding period, marking a second component of the total return beyond share price change alone. Much like watering a tree, reinvesting dividends can help an investment to grow over time — for the above calculations we assume dividend reinvestment (and for this exercise the closing price on ex-date is used for the reinvestment of a given dividend).

Based upon the most recent annualized dividend rate of .6/share, we calculate that DAL has a current yield of approximately 1.28%. Another interesting datapoint we can examine is ‘yield on cost’ — in other words, we can express the current annualized dividend of .6 against the original $26.89/share purchase price. This works out to a yield on cost of 4.76%.

One more piece of investment wisdom to leave you with:
“Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.” — Warren Buffett