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“I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years.”

— Warren Buffett

The above quote from Warren Buffett is timeless, and brings into focus the choice about time horizon that any investor should think about before buying a stock they are considering. Behind every stock is an actual business; what will that business look like over a five year period?

Today, let’s look backwards in time to 2014, and take a look at what happened to investors who asked that very question about Keysight Technologies Inc (NYSE: KEYS), by taking a look at the investment outcome over a five year holding period.

Start date: 10/21/2014


End date: 10/04/2019
Start price/share: $28.31
End price/share: $96.58
Starting shares: 353.23
Ending shares: 353.23
Dividends reinvested/share: $0.00
Total return: 241.15%
Average annual return: 28.10%
Starting investment: $10,000.00
Ending investment: $34,121.74

The above analysis shows the five year investment result worked out exceptionally well, with an annualized rate of return of 28.10%. This would have turned a $10K investment made 5 years ago into $34,121.74 today (as of 10/04/2019). On a total return basis, that’s a result of 241.15% (something to think about: how might KEYS shares perform over the next 5 years?). [These numbers were computed with the Dividend Channel DRIP Returns Calculator.]

One more investment quote to leave you with:
“As time goes on, I get more and more convinced that the right method of investment is to put fairly large sums into enterprises which one thinks one knows something about and in the management of which one thoroughly believes.” — John Maynard Keynes